Teacher, Facilitator and Friend.
Katie is a meditation and yoga teacher. She offers one on one and small group meditation and movement classes in person and online. Kate teaches in the reflective meditation approach, where the method is personalised to and by the student.
My role is to honour your own unique experience. To provide safe space for experience, reflection, inquiry and discussion and to encourage the continuation of your practice. I am here in the capacity of friend and mentor, to enable your exploration of your own internal landscape. It is my role to model the qualities which are encouraged in your own experience; curiosity, friendliness, gentleness, flexibility and autonomy.
The dharma I offer is dharma I have learned through my own teachers; most notably my mother - my first teacher - a long-term meditator and student of Jason Siff from Recollective Awareness; Linda Modaro my life-long meditation mentor at Sati Sangha; Nelly Kaufer at Pine Street Sangha; the teachers and practitioners I have been honoured to form sangha with through reflective meditation in both Australia and the USA, and above all; my own experience.
My somatic movement and yoga teachings have been informed by Satu Tuomela, Vicky Smart, Holly Coles, Tara Judelle of Embodied Flow, and Dr Scott Lyons.
It is my responsibility as a teacher to maintain my own practice, to continue to expand and refine my experience and to stay open. It is not my prerogative to know progressively more, but to "know" less...and less....and less. In the spirit of warmth and friendliness it is my intention to make meditation and the dharma as accessible as possible whether in stillness or movement. I am in consistent dialogue with dharma friends who walk parallel paths while honouring their own experiences. It is in doing this that I hope to maintain an honouring and respect for other traditions, teachings and perspectives. I encourage students to form these communities around themselves to continually learn from and expand one’s own experience.